What’s Happening Now?
Scroll through the content below to find upcoming activities for Troop 31. You can also view the entire document. Our calendar can also be found at the bottom of this page.
We Are…
Troop 31 of State College, PA. We strive to achieve the three aims of Scouting: growth in moral strength and character, participation in citizenship, and development of physical, mental, and emotional fitness. We offer a variety of trips and experiences including camping, backpacking, canoeing, high adventure, mystery trips and other outdoor activities.
Troop 31 is supported by our strong Scoutmasters, ASMs and troop committee which has over 20 adults who volunteer their time for a variety of tasks. Parents are always welcome to attend any Troop 31 event and are encouraged to be active in our troop.
Troop 31 meetings are held on Tuesday evenings usually from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the social hall/gymnasium at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church. If you are interested in finding out more about Troop 31, please send a request via the Contact Us page.
Register With Troop 31
To register as a volunteer for Troop 31, please click here for the Troop 31 volunteer clearance form. Meetings are held on Tuesday evenings, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm, in the social hall at St. Paul United Methodist Church.
As part of the registration, a fee and the BSA health form parts A & B, are required to complete registration. Registration fees change each year. The BSA health form can be found here: https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-001_AB.pdf
About Us
Located in State College, Pennsylvania, USA, Troop 31 is part of the Nittany Mountain District in the BSA’s Juniata Valley Council. Our chartering organization State College/Downtown Rotary Club
Troop Activities
We pride ourselves in offering a full calendar of events that attracts scouts with many interests. Camping, backpacking, canoeing and other outdoor activities are the foundation of our program but we also enjoy high adventure trips, historical tours, family gatherings and other special events.
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